Tuesday 2 June 2009

2 down, here go another 3

Bath Rugby Club. An establishment famed for its rich heritage and scenic grounds. A place where you'd assume that butter wouldn't melt in its mouth. Evidently, you'd assume incorrectly.

On May 10th 2009, the professional players from Bath RFC descended on mass to a north London haunt rather inappropriately named 'the church' - you couldn't get more unholy if you frolicked with the devil. Notoriously known as a rough drinking establishment, the players apparently wrecked havoc before leaving for another London pub, this time down in Fulham.

Then the real 'magic' began. By chance (or not), the pub they chose was host to another rather illustrious club's end of season do; Harlequins. By all accounts, the raucous atmosphere quickly turned aggressive and fists were thrown. 'Plank' Justin Harrison allegedly took a shot to the chin and was sparked out cold. The police were called and the crowds dispersed.

The aftermath was not quickly forgotten. Almost instantly, drug related rumours and compulsory testing ensued. At this point, Harrison terminated his contract with immediate effect and has headed back down under. Weird eh.

But it doesn't stop there. Recent rumours have come to fruition today in the media with 3 more high profile players resigning from (or being sacked) from Bath for missing 3 drug tests. England International, and club captain, Michael Lipman, co-captain Alex Crockett, and speedster Andrew Higgins are now all involved in yet another high profile case of drugs within Bath RFC. I wonder how it will end...

Tuesday 21 April 2009

The big bang theory

I'm back. Various reasons for an absence in posting, but no better topic to come back to than that of a fresh announcement of the 2009 British lions squad. 37 men will descend to South African shores in June, in eager anticipation of the 1st test on 20th June.

So, what of the squad? Ian McGeechan's vision has been clearly defined by two key areas. The intended game plan, and the picking on form, not reputation. Something that historical lions tours would certainly plead guilty too.

Firstly the game plan is clear. From the talismanic giant Paul O'Connell who will lead the squad, preferred in favor to his compatriot Brian O'Driscoll. Perhaps Geech wants an oaf; a hard nosed leader over the softly spoken, and possibly haunted, O'Driscoll. After all, his 2005 experience is well documented.

The selection oozes power, strength and brutality. Simon Shaw, Joe Worsley, Stephen Ferris and Alan Quinlan will provide the literal ballast upfront to take on the likes of Spiers and Burger running at full tilt. The omission of messieurs Croft and Armitage highlight the downgrading of fluid running flair over the power needed to overcome to Boks. This will be some seismic battle.

I'm also surprised, but not dissatisfied, with the omission of some 'bankers' including Jones, Henson, Hook, Haskell et al. Players who had a non-descript 6 nations have had their poor form well and truly brought to the floor.

It’s certainly an interesting selection. With only 2 full backs, and more importantly 2 fly halves, the impetus is clear. Go to South Africa. Smash. Grab. Get on the plane home. I'm not predicting this will be pretty, but it will certainly be explosive.

Monday 6 April 2009

Watch out Andrew!

Andrew Sheridan is widely regarded as the strongest man in world rugby. A qualified builder, and former body builder; he is not a man to be messed with. A goon in the truest sense, yet softly spoken with gentle mannerisms.

But how the mighty can fall. Literally.

Sheridan has this season been a shadow of the man who single handedly destroyed the Australia team in the 2007 world cup. His England team mate, Julian White, compounded this misery further by well and truly flooring him with a single blow during Saturday's sterling win for Leicester over Sale. Julian received a red card for his troubles, to which he is no stranger. But Mr Sheridan is not your usual bully boy victim. White could well have been on the flight to South Africa this summer but if he receives a lengthy ban, this could jeopardise his quest.

On the subject of the Lions, Josh Lewsey threw his hat in the ring for Lions selection, verbally rather than through physical endeavor. A prolific try scorer in his prime, Lewsey this week announced his retirement from the game altogether but made clear his intention to make it 3 consecutive lions tours. However, the mouth is not being matched by his performance. Luckily, I believe McGeechan will pick on form and touring heritage. Therefore, in my eyes Josh will be touring.

A passionate English man who always gave 100%. Possibly providing one of the greatest ever covering tackles that Twickenham has ever seen. A great ambassador of the game, and it certainly won't be the last we hear from him.

Sunday 29 March 2009

I make that two Jenson

I wonder how Lewis Hamilton is feeling right now. The drastic changes to the F1 structure certainly don't seem to favor him. Operating budgets slashed by 90%, structural and aerodynamic overhauls and kinetic energy generating braking systems. Phew, what a list - and that is just a starter for 1o.

Lewis suffered a gear box failure during qualifying which saw him finding his feet staring up the starting grid with no one in his (now much cheaper) rear view mirrors. Amazingly, he finished third through a series of crashes ahead of him and a 25 second penalty levied upon Jarno trulli when he overtook during the safety car.

I therefore make that 2 winners in today’s sun basked GP. Firstly, Jenson Button. The under achieving playboy of the race circuits was almost without a drive not so long ago, but I would say that his self denounced pay cut (to a meager £7m....) has 'paid' off.

I estimate a shrewd Jenson had an idea that prudence would come to fruition and his faith in Ross Brawn (and more recently Richard Branson) certainly has. Jenson's reputation of a party boy isn't far from the truth, but most people won't know that he funds literally most of his staff through his own pay check. Something that Mr Hamilton, and most of the other F1 drivers, certainly won't have to do.

I mentioned 2 winners. The second, in my eyes, is the punter. F1 racing has long been overdue a shake up that actually does something. Over the past few years, a number of measures have been tried - but most would argue these have failed. It seems taking away financial advantages is doing the trick…

Today saw one of the most event filled GPs in a long time. Long may it continue.

Monday 23 March 2009

What a weekend. What comes next?

A wise man once said the immortal lines "When you win, you win. When you lose, you think about it." This will be epitomised by several of the 6 nations teams in their post match rationalisation. England somehow obtained a second place in the tournament rankings. Wales blew their chance of a title at home, and Ireland coped with the pressure to land their first grand slam for 61 years. One Irish man in particular will certainly be trying not to think of what could have been, for Paddy Wallace almost was at the centre of Irish heartache when, after on being on the pitch for minutes, gave away a kickable penalty. Stephen Jones, normally so metronomic in his kicking duties, appeared to rush and subsequently missed the chance to break the Gaelic hearts.

So where next? Not only has the 6 nations finished on a knife edge, the premier league is hotting up. Manchester United appear to have swapped form with a reinvigorated Liverpool side who brushed Martin O'Neill’s Aston Villa aside with the guise of a magnificent team. Rafa Benitez has signed a £4m a year contract, and rumours suggest that Gerrard is on the cusp of a £140k p/week deal to commit his future to the Anfield establishment.

Looking forward, things will only get better. The climax of the premier league, a sun basked Royal Ascot and the 2 sporting events of the summer. The Ashes, and the Lions tour. Several players have stood up and been counted over the past few weeks, so my team now stands as the following:

1. Euan Murray
2. Matthew Rees
3. John Hayes
4. Paul O'Connell
5. Alan Wyn Jones
6. Tom Croft
7. Martin Williams
8. David Wallace
9. Mike Blair
10. Stephen Jones
11. Shane Williams
12. Riki Flutey
13. Brian O'Driscoll (c)
14. Rob Kearney
15. Delon Armitage

Monday 16 March 2009

The passion is back

What a relief it is to finally enjoy the subsequent media coverage of an England game. I honestly am struggling to remind myself of a similar reaction (and performance) from the public and media as this. Even Martin is smiling.

England opened up at 100 miles an hour, and completely wrong footed the lacklustre French side by running in 4 first half tries. It was, in equal measure, cataclysmic French rugby vs robust confidence from the English. How invigorating is it to see the likes of Ugo Monye skinning his man on the outside, and the devilish running of both Flutey and (in particular) Delon Armitgae terrorising a quaking defensive line.

Up front, fortunes favoured the brave. Johnson sticks with Borthwick. Borthwick fronts up. Pack play well. A simple equation of faith + confidence = excitement.

Although we mustn't get ahead of ourselves, I do hope this is a sign of things to come.

A further visionary predictor is that of the French revolution. Monday morning sees James Haskell rethinking his move to Stade Francais in an unprecedented reversal. Francis Baron, RFU chief executive, sent a comprehensive letter to all the elite squad outlining the potential repercussions of a cross channel move. Coupled with the outstanding performance from young Tom Croft on Saturday, Mr Haskell has to decide on whether the money is worth it.

This could well put a spanner in the works of further French money moves, including perhaps the speculation around a certain Mr Wilkinson who linked with a move to Toulon. Or is he.

Watch this space.

Monday 9 March 2009

Everyone deserves a second chance, as long as they are honest

In October 2003, Dwain Chambers was tested positive for the steroid THG. The impact was huge. Like a mistaken marriage, his accomplishments were annulled from 2002 onwards. This not only affected his personal achievements (including a European record), but all team medals. Dwain was banned for 2 years. Quite right too.

Cheating is a difficult barrier for fans to get over. Dwain damaged a much wider circle than simply himself. The sport, his family, his friends. They were all impacted by the vicious circle in which he found himself.

I could spend a while on here lambasting the man and indeed documenting his subsequent pursuits - remarkably even including the polar opposite game of rugby league. But I won't. Indeed my opinion of Chambers, 30, has come full circle to date to one now of admiration.

I need to be clear in my definition of admiration however. It’s not the drug taking I admire, far from it. It’s the courage that he has shown in adversity. To you or I, peer group negativity may last for a day, or even a week, after a harsh word or two. But Chambers has been vilified in the media, blocked from world wide events, booed at every event he has attended, and had his revenue streams cut. But the man from north London has kept his mind focussed and stormed to a deserved European title in Turin yesterday.

The list could go on. But I won't. He will surely divide opinion, but you can't fail but be impressed by his perseverance. Apparently his times should translate to sub 9.90 for the 100m – that is a feat which will be impossible to ignore.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Cricket...but not as we know it

I must say I'm not to sure how best to write this. Waking to a news bulletin on Tuesday morning with Dominic Cork providing a chilling eye witness account of the Sri Lanka cricket terror attacks begs the question; "What next?" In amongst the grave statistics of wounded and dead, is a huge wave of uncertainty. Western culture in these very ‘un-westernernised’ countries often provides a degree of complacency over the occurring situations. For example, we generally will not spare a thought for player safety in India over the UK as professional sport is ‘safe’ – isn’t it?

Sports stars in this country are often seen gallivanting in the media here but, if anything, the ruthless attacks on Tuesday should remind us that the lifestyle of these 'stars' isn't replicated wherever they go.

If Sri Lanka is one example, an equally dangerous territory was Zimbabwe where the entire England cricket team pulled out from the tour.

So what implications does this have for the IPL? Grave implications I feel. The IPL is built by creating a culture of superstardom and luxury in India. Notoriously a haven for the rich; the IPL is creating instant millionaires through the aforementioned 'western influence.' But rather like a business that expands rapidly, unforeseen circumstances can alter and change the planned progression. Sometimes even bringing it too its knees.

I hope this doesn't happen, I really do. But the efficacy of these massive initiatives in largely unknown and high profile countries makes subsequent safety an unknown entity.

Sunday 1 March 2009

Martin's wrath

It takes a bold manager to publicly criticise his team. Or is it a man feeling the pressure? England are on a dangerous precipice, and Martin Johnson will not want to arrive at the edge anytime soon. His emotions particualy apparent at the binning of Danny Care in yesterdays Irish challenge.

And the statistics speak for themselves. 2 men in the sin bin yesterday, 8 points conceded. Delon Armitage's dogged effort to get himself over the line did mask yet another day of indiscipline for England. Although special mention must go to the Irish captain Brian O’Driscoll. He shows just what England are missing. A heart beat. ‘BOD’ dropped a goal, scored a try and put his body well and truly on the line. Speculation prior to the 6 nations as to whether he would be selected, have been well and truly rebuffed.

Where next? Well Wales and Ireland in their own backyards was always a challenging environment, and at least the white rose has had some passion behind it in these encounters. But in order for Johnno, and the rugby watching public, to be relatively pleased with this spring campaign, England must take hold over the French and Scottish at fortress HQ. There is a 2 week break now between the French test, and I predict changes. Martin does not suffer fools, and as such will be making his point clearly to the players. Maybe in the shape of a change of personnel?

On the plus side, Wales won't be repeating their Grand Slam!

Wednesday 25 February 2009

The end of Saracens rugby as we know it?

My post today was going to focus on the England selection for Saturday's game against Ireland. It was going to focus upon the negative step to include Goode on the bench, or the demonstration this shows that the management team have no confidence in Toby Flood kicking his goals. Bench players (Care, Croft, Hartley, Tait) are impact players. So put Danny Cipriani in there? I feel that Johnno is breaking down young Dan and will rebuild him in the ‘Johnno mould’. Exactly what he needs I thinks.

No, I am more concerned about the plight of English rugby with the latest news that Saracens are haemorrhaging their squad (15 are going out of 38) to turn the club into a South African breeding ground. Brendan Venter is replacing Eddie Jones and is making wholesale changes. Big names such as Chris Jack & Michael Owen are out, as is club stalwart Kevin Sorrell. In will be, reputedly, Victor Matfield and Schalk Burger - along with a host of others.

Surely the RFU can't let this happen to the English game.

What a few weeks it’s been. Firstly Matthew Stevens sniffing dust followed by wasps big 3 chasing the cash and now this; Cape Town in Watford.

Monday 23 February 2009

The tour de lance

I'm not convinced I'm a huge fan of twitter. It's basically yet another form of electronic stalking, but is entirely dependent on the interest you have in the person you are 'following' and indeed the content that these people are creating. For example, Jonathan Ross divulging what time he actually gets out of bed (sickeningly late when you realise how much he gets paid) or Stephen Fry wittering down the electronic airwaves about nothing. Or even the government showing they are still 'cool' even, even without big Tony, fails to really grab me. But perhaps it’s me that is the problem?

But, in the quest for insightful sports information, I've discovered an excellent use for Twitter. Lance 'I'm clean' Armstrong is on twitter. In fact, he is on it so much I'm surprised that he has time for anything else.

Lance is constantly updating with (I find) fascinating anecdotes about his life & the races he is involved with. This is exactly the kind of reading I'm after. Insightful and interesting; you get something that you can't get anywhere else. Maybe it’s nerdy? I don't know. But the constant updates that Lance provides offer a much more compelling viewpoint than Wossy's broken computer or the government’s new recession busting website.

Not only that, but big Lance (did I mention he is clean?) also posts pictures. Pictures that you wouldn't get any where else. Here are a few.

Twitter = excellent (as long as you find the right subject)

Thursday 19 February 2009

David's big oversight

Mr Beckham looks like he is staying in the land of fashion, pizza and pasta. Milan vice president, Adriano Galliani, has once again reiterated his ambition to sign the worlds most famous star to his beloved club. I do fear a back lash against DB in the US of A however. Whereas I totally understand, and agree, with his wish to play at the highest level once again, the knock on impact in the states is yet to be confirmed. Yes, the decision was made when the man who promotes umbrellas told him he had no future in the international arena - so why wouldn't he go and earn £500k a week??

But golden balls has been welcomed into the fold of the states making huge promises about raising the long term profile of soccer in the states. I am predicting that when he leaves, a huge hole will be created and this hole could well be filled with anger against unfulfilled pledges. I also predict a not dissimilar situation will occur at Stamford Bridge when Roman gets bored and leaves the club crippled amongst an Everest of wage bills.

Some might say that the ECB and cricket in general are facing this disaster now that the very odd Allen Stanford has finally been revealed as a rather unscrupulous character too. Apparently he has been 'followed' by the US government for the past 15 years - amazing how long paper work takes, and its impeccable timing.

Further news has been ousted today with James Haskell posting on his rather indulgent blog via his website, vigorously defending his position against 'going for the money' We would all respect these stars that bit more if they stopped dumbing down an understandable decision. We've had this before with Lewis Hamilton if you remember, completely disregarding the huge tax benefits when moving to Switzerland. I ask you, are we as stupid as the PR companies think?!

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Visionary predictions

A slightly sore head and a fuzzy mind doesn't lead to insightful journalism. Unfortunately I have both of these today and as such, will not be continuing my rant into the French exile of some of the nations top talent.

I did however watch an interesting rant on youtube of Lance Armstrong in reaction to a rather leftfield question from Paul Kimmage; a well publicised anti doping journalist. Well worth 3 minutes of your time

To finish today, I've been thinking about my lions team for the summer. Based on current form, I'm going with the following (controversial call at 10?):

1. Euan Murray
2. Matthew Rees
3. John Hayes
4. Paul O Connell (c)
5. Alan Wyn Jones
6. David Wallace
7. Martyn Williams
8. Jamie Heaslip
9. Mike Blair
10. Danny Cipriani
11. Shane Williams
12. Jamie Roberts
13. Brian O'Driscoll
14. Rob Kearney
15. Delon Armitage

Tuesday 17 February 2009

The exodus continues

Ricky Flutey has last night confirmed his move over to Brive. Joining Steve Thompson, Ben Cohen and recent England recall Andy Goode. The age old foreign policy suggested that leaving the UK would have a detrimental impact on ones' international ambitions. I'm wondering with the reemergence of the robust (or is it rotund) Goode into the international fold will continue the drift towards riches. The rumoured double salary of Goode at Brive from Leicester, is substantiated with Fluteys reported £100k to £300k per season increase. You can hardly blame the moves, particularly when it would appear that international honours do not inversely decrease as a result.

Racing Metro Paris, currently top of the French D2, have wound up the rumour mill claiming Chabal and Nallet are on ther way to the ambitious club. More interestingly so, Francois Steyn and the golden boy Jonny Wilkinson are also linked to the club funded by the largest estate agent in France. Intrigue indeed. Will Jonny finally take the plunge and leave his beleaguered Newcastle? I feel not, especially if there is no draw of Heineken Cup rugby - if he hasn't done this by now, I can't see him leaving for an equally unparalleled club.

To end on a positive note, England cricket are doing the usual rallying drive. Strauss and Collingwood put in good century knocks to take the under performing allies to an impressive 1st innings total. One can't but help to presume that this precipice won't be an easy one to maintain - especially if form has anything to go by.

Monday 16 February 2009

Day 1 - the origin

On a day where Guus Hiddink was welcomed into the infamous Chelsea FC, Michael Ballack opened him arms and shook his hand. A sign of cohesion? I'm not so sure...

The weekends 6 nations brought with it new hope for England after a much more assertive performance against the welsh on Saturday. BOD's new found vigour for his beloved Irish was almost as entertaining as the Italian number 9, Paul Griffen's, side burns. But all has been marred by the inevitable news of one of Englands future greats moving over the channel. James Haskells reported £1m 3 year contract could well be the opening of the proverbial floodgates to the riches of France. We shall see.

For those that know me, I am a huge fan of the national anthems. In particular the Welsh (blasphemy I know); its a hell of a song. So my delight was obvious when my lovely girlfriend locked us out of the house - so I missed the first 15 minutes of the game, including my beloved anthems. Que the obligatory valentines day sulk.
Also for those of you 'lucky' enough to know me, you may know my brother. Not one for saying something in 2 words when he could use 10 minutes (the inflication is called totology apparently), we exchanged text messages throughout the game. I recieved no less than 26; here are some of the pearls:

"I tell you something I've not been so up for this match for a long time. Something about the arrogance and expectation these welsh blokes exude. Come on boys!"

"What a half, come on boys!"

"What a dick!"

"Composure. Keep up the defence and trying to play."

"England need to make a change at centre"

"Now need some territory for the next 10"

"These changes need to be right!"


"Tindall is shit"

Even with these coaching nuggets of gold which I'm sure Johonno was following on twitter, the boys failed to take the reigns and got nudged out at the death.

On a personal note, this is my new blog. I'll update it as often as new news comes up, although the oval game will most probably feature heavily.

I'll leave my opening post on a high. In the great rhythmical tune of the Kaiser Chiefs 'Ruby':

Gooodey Gooodey Gooodey Gooodey Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah