Wednesday 4 March 2009

Cricket...but not as we know it

I must say I'm not to sure how best to write this. Waking to a news bulletin on Tuesday morning with Dominic Cork providing a chilling eye witness account of the Sri Lanka cricket terror attacks begs the question; "What next?" In amongst the grave statistics of wounded and dead, is a huge wave of uncertainty. Western culture in these very ‘un-westernernised’ countries often provides a degree of complacency over the occurring situations. For example, we generally will not spare a thought for player safety in India over the UK as professional sport is ‘safe’ – isn’t it?

Sports stars in this country are often seen gallivanting in the media here but, if anything, the ruthless attacks on Tuesday should remind us that the lifestyle of these 'stars' isn't replicated wherever they go.

If Sri Lanka is one example, an equally dangerous territory was Zimbabwe where the entire England cricket team pulled out from the tour.

So what implications does this have for the IPL? Grave implications I feel. The IPL is built by creating a culture of superstardom and luxury in India. Notoriously a haven for the rich; the IPL is creating instant millionaires through the aforementioned 'western influence.' But rather like a business that expands rapidly, unforeseen circumstances can alter and change the planned progression. Sometimes even bringing it too its knees.

I hope this doesn't happen, I really do. But the efficacy of these massive initiatives in largely unknown and high profile countries makes subsequent safety an unknown entity.

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