Sunday 1 March 2009

Martin's wrath

It takes a bold manager to publicly criticise his team. Or is it a man feeling the pressure? England are on a dangerous precipice, and Martin Johnson will not want to arrive at the edge anytime soon. His emotions particualy apparent at the binning of Danny Care in yesterdays Irish challenge.

And the statistics speak for themselves. 2 men in the sin bin yesterday, 8 points conceded. Delon Armitage's dogged effort to get himself over the line did mask yet another day of indiscipline for England. Although special mention must go to the Irish captain Brian O’Driscoll. He shows just what England are missing. A heart beat. ‘BOD’ dropped a goal, scored a try and put his body well and truly on the line. Speculation prior to the 6 nations as to whether he would be selected, have been well and truly rebuffed.

Where next? Well Wales and Ireland in their own backyards was always a challenging environment, and at least the white rose has had some passion behind it in these encounters. But in order for Johnno, and the rugby watching public, to be relatively pleased with this spring campaign, England must take hold over the French and Scottish at fortress HQ. There is a 2 week break now between the French test, and I predict changes. Martin does not suffer fools, and as such will be making his point clearly to the players. Maybe in the shape of a change of personnel?

On the plus side, Wales won't be repeating their Grand Slam!

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