Sunday 29 March 2009

I make that two Jenson

I wonder how Lewis Hamilton is feeling right now. The drastic changes to the F1 structure certainly don't seem to favor him. Operating budgets slashed by 90%, structural and aerodynamic overhauls and kinetic energy generating braking systems. Phew, what a list - and that is just a starter for 1o.

Lewis suffered a gear box failure during qualifying which saw him finding his feet staring up the starting grid with no one in his (now much cheaper) rear view mirrors. Amazingly, he finished third through a series of crashes ahead of him and a 25 second penalty levied upon Jarno trulli when he overtook during the safety car.

I therefore make that 2 winners in today’s sun basked GP. Firstly, Jenson Button. The under achieving playboy of the race circuits was almost without a drive not so long ago, but I would say that his self denounced pay cut (to a meager £7m....) has 'paid' off.

I estimate a shrewd Jenson had an idea that prudence would come to fruition and his faith in Ross Brawn (and more recently Richard Branson) certainly has. Jenson's reputation of a party boy isn't far from the truth, but most people won't know that he funds literally most of his staff through his own pay check. Something that Mr Hamilton, and most of the other F1 drivers, certainly won't have to do.

I mentioned 2 winners. The second, in my eyes, is the punter. F1 racing has long been overdue a shake up that actually does something. Over the past few years, a number of measures have been tried - but most would argue these have failed. It seems taking away financial advantages is doing the trick…

Today saw one of the most event filled GPs in a long time. Long may it continue.

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