Monday 6 April 2009

Watch out Andrew!

Andrew Sheridan is widely regarded as the strongest man in world rugby. A qualified builder, and former body builder; he is not a man to be messed with. A goon in the truest sense, yet softly spoken with gentle mannerisms.

But how the mighty can fall. Literally.

Sheridan has this season been a shadow of the man who single handedly destroyed the Australia team in the 2007 world cup. His England team mate, Julian White, compounded this misery further by well and truly flooring him with a single blow during Saturday's sterling win for Leicester over Sale. Julian received a red card for his troubles, to which he is no stranger. But Mr Sheridan is not your usual bully boy victim. White could well have been on the flight to South Africa this summer but if he receives a lengthy ban, this could jeopardise his quest.

On the subject of the Lions, Josh Lewsey threw his hat in the ring for Lions selection, verbally rather than through physical endeavor. A prolific try scorer in his prime, Lewsey this week announced his retirement from the game altogether but made clear his intention to make it 3 consecutive lions tours. However, the mouth is not being matched by his performance. Luckily, I believe McGeechan will pick on form and touring heritage. Therefore, in my eyes Josh will be touring.

A passionate English man who always gave 100%. Possibly providing one of the greatest ever covering tackles that Twickenham has ever seen. A great ambassador of the game, and it certainly won't be the last we hear from him.

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