Tuesday 2 June 2009

2 down, here go another 3

Bath Rugby Club. An establishment famed for its rich heritage and scenic grounds. A place where you'd assume that butter wouldn't melt in its mouth. Evidently, you'd assume incorrectly.

On May 10th 2009, the professional players from Bath RFC descended on mass to a north London haunt rather inappropriately named 'the church' - you couldn't get more unholy if you frolicked with the devil. Notoriously known as a rough drinking establishment, the players apparently wrecked havoc before leaving for another London pub, this time down in Fulham.

Then the real 'magic' began. By chance (or not), the pub they chose was host to another rather illustrious club's end of season do; Harlequins. By all accounts, the raucous atmosphere quickly turned aggressive and fists were thrown. 'Plank' Justin Harrison allegedly took a shot to the chin and was sparked out cold. The police were called and the crowds dispersed.

The aftermath was not quickly forgotten. Almost instantly, drug related rumours and compulsory testing ensued. At this point, Harrison terminated his contract with immediate effect and has headed back down under. Weird eh.

But it doesn't stop there. Recent rumours have come to fruition today in the media with 3 more high profile players resigning from (or being sacked) from Bath for missing 3 drug tests. England International, and club captain, Michael Lipman, co-captain Alex Crockett, and speedster Andrew Higgins are now all involved in yet another high profile case of drugs within Bath RFC. I wonder how it will end...